Use Integromat & EasyCSV Together

How to use Integromat to send spreadsheet imports anywhere -or- send spreadsheets into EasyCSV.

How to send CSV file data to Integromat

  1. Use the webhook module to start an Integromat Scenario.
  2. Copy the webhook URL from Integormat and paste it into your import page sheet details form for an API/Webhook to post to.
  3. Do a test import with your EasyCSV import page to show Integromat what the data will look like.
  4. Add a second step to your Integromat Scenario and use data variables from the webhook step.
  5. It's that easy!

WARNING: Each row being imported will trigger your scenario seperately. Be aware of your plan limits if importing large CSV files.

How to send a CSV file to EasyCSV using Integromat

  1. Use the HTTP module to start your Integromat Scenario
  2. Follow these docs to create a POST request to EasyCSV
  3. Schedule your scenario to run on the schedule you choose